الثلاثاء، 23 نوفمبر 2021

enzymatic treatment

Speed Recovary

Newly revelution in enzymatic treatment

Composition : 
100 ml contains :
α- Chymotrypsin…….….…400 mg
Trypsin…………….…….…......100 mg
Hyaluronidase………...…..…0.1 g
Dimethyl sulfoxide.….……1 g
Formulation agent..........100 ml

S R  possesses potent anti-inflammatory properties that enable to hasten the resorption of inflammatory oedemas as well as of postoperative and post-traumatic heamatomas and oedemas. S R , furthermore, possesses proteolytic properties that enable to destroy in situ the fibrinous formations resulting from subacute or chronic inflammatory processes.

- Anti-inflammation, reduce oedema and painful swelling after surgery
- Support treatment of mastitis, arthritis
- Support treatment of respiratory inflammation: asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis

Trypsin catalyzes the hydrolysis of peptide bonds, breaking down proteins into smaller peptides. The peptide products are then further hydrolyzed into amino acids via other proteases, rendering them available for absorption into the blood stream‬‏
Chymotrypsin cleaves peptide bonds by attacking the unreactive carbonyl group with a powerful nucleophile, the serine 195 residue located in the active site of the enzyme, which briefly becomes covalently bonded to the substrate, forming an enzyme-substrate intermediate.

is used together with fluids injected into the body to treat dehydration. Hyaluronidase can also be used as an aid in helping your body absorb other injected medications

Dimethyl sulfoxide.  DMSO
DMSO is used topically to decrease pain and speed the healing of wounds, burns, and muscle and skeletal injuries. DMSO is also used topically to treat painful conditions such as headache, inflammation, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis

By intramuscular route. It can be used to dilute antibiotics

Muscular injection. Reinjection after 12-24 hours in necessary case
Poultry: 1ml / 10 -15 kg B. W
Young cattle:  1ml / 20 - 30 kg B.W
Mature cattle: 3 – 6 ml / 100kg B.W.

Withdrawal time: None

For multi-dose: Use within 5-7 days only after first dose

Contraindication: None

PRESERVATION: Store it in a cool place and keep out of direct sunlight


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